You are paying for a monthly membership with a variety of options which you may chose to use or decline. Treatment options are provided free with each month of membership. All members may receive a prescription for semaglutide and B12 injections, if appropriate in the sole discretion of medical providers. Members receive 1 laser fat melting treatment and 4 EM muscle toning treatments each month. Optional Results Booster is available to purchase on a month by month basis, unlimited purchases can be made. Each laser treatment is 25 minutes and may be used on multiple body areas. Each muscle toning treatment is 10 minutes and may be used on multiple areas. Treatments must be used during the membership month - unused treatments do not "roll over" to the next month. B12 Injections are provided at the MedSpa. Semiglutide prescriptions are shipped to the patient's home for self-administration. The pharmacy will invoice each patient for the dose they use each month (reg $150-$220) - this is in addition to the PURE Physique membership fee. Monthly membership fees are not refundable. You may cancel your membership at any time upon which the final payment is due if not already paid. Payment of the new membership fee is due in full when the change is made. This may result in two charges in the same month. If you are not a candidate for any of the treatments offered in the membership, you will be offered an alternative membership plan. Individuals who cancel will not be able to rejoin the program for a period of 6 months. The PURE Physique Membership may be modified or discontinued at any time by the PURE MedSpa.